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About me

I am currently employed as a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at York University. I received my Ph.D. from the Département de génie logiciel et des TI of the University ETS Montreal, Quebec in August 2022,with Prof. Kaiwen Zhang as my advisor, and Prof. Hans-Arno Jacobsen as my co-advisor. I received Masters in Electrical Engineering from National University of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan. Before coming to ETS Montreal, I worked with Prof. Marios Lestas as a research assistant under Erasmus + mobility project at the Frederick university, Cyprus. My hometown is Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Contact me

Email: smdanish at yorku dot ca

Selected Publications

Syed Muhammad Danish, Kaiwen Zhang, Hans-Arno Jacobsen. BlockAIM: A Neural Network-Based Intelligent Middleware For Large-Scale IoT Data Placement Decisions. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2021

Syed Muhammad Danish, Kaiwen Zhang, Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Nouman Ashraf, Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi. BlockEV: Efficient and Secure Charging Station Selection for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2020

Muhammad Muneem Shabir, Syed Muhammad Danish, Kaiwen Zhang. BlockQoS: Fair Monetization of On-Demand Quality-of-Service using Blockchains. ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice 2023

Syed Muhammad Danish, Kaiwen Zhang, Hans-Arno Jacobsen. BlockAM: An Adaptive Middleware for Intelligent Data Storage Selection for Internet of Things. IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS) 2020 (Best Paper Award)

Syed Muhammad Danish, Kaiwen Zhang, Fatima Amara, Juan Carlos Oviedo Cepeda, Luis Fernando Rueda Vasquez, Tom Marynowski. Blockchain for Energy Credits and Certificates: A Comprehensive Review. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2023 (Under Revision)



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